by | Oct 31, 2024 | News and Interviews, Newsletters


The start of holiday season finds Feed Rio Rancho Kids working to meet additional needs of the kids at the schools we serve.  We are continuing our appeal for kids’ winter coats in all sizes (6, 8, 10, 12, 14) for both girls and boys.  The TV drive for coats all go to Albuquerque kids, not those in Rio Rancho.

At least two of our schools have requested assistance with the fixings for Thanksgiving dinners.  Most of the schools receive free turkeys but the rest of the meal is often up to the families.  Trimmings for each meal will likely cost around $30 even with discounts and we need donations so we can shop.  We anticipate needs between 25 and 40 meals.

We have mentioned earlier that we are collecting school supplies for our teachers.  As the year ends in December many kids who started out with supplies have used them up or misplaced them.  In January the teachers will be spending their own money to replenish the supply.  You can help by picking up crayons, colored pencils, #2 pencils, erasers, tissues, wipes, and colored paper.

All coats and school supplies can be delivered to the DPSC headquarters at 3949 Corrales Rd, Suite #110 between 10 am and 5 pm or to the Unitarian Universalist Westside church at 1650 Abrazo Rd. NE in Rio Rancho on Sunday morning or by contacting Karen Schafer at for a drop-off appointment.

Donations to help with the Thanksgiving project may be made online at  click on the donate button and be sure to scroll down to Feed RR Kids.  Checks may be made out to UUWC with a notation to “Feed RR Kids” and mailed to Karen Schafer, 4800 Palmas Altas Dr SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124.

Questions or suggestions are welcomed.  Contact Karen Schafer, or Kitty Perez,


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