How to Help Re-elect Joe Biden and Support New Mexico Democrats

- Over 50,000 low-income hitherto uninsured New Mexican individuals have purchased subsidized low-cost health insurance on the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange. Those benefiting from federal support for low-cost insurance include small businesses and the self-employed. Medicare recipients will see many welcome cost savings.
- The estimated 315,000 New Mexicans on Medicare (about 33,000 in Sandoval County) will see dramatic reductions in out-of-pocket payments for expensive drugs. And starting next year, out-of-pocket drug expenses will be capped at $2,000 per year.
- 315,000 New Mexicans on Medicare will have no cost-sharing for vaccination.
- 23,000 New Mexicans need insulin. Biden’s legislation has capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month.
- Medicare will expand eligibility for low-income subsidies to cover drug costs for more beneficiaries, affecting 2,800 low-income New Mexicans.
- And drug companies will have to pay a rebate to Medicare if their price increases exceed inflation.
- The biggest win: Medicare is already negotiating prices for 10 of the highest costing drugs, resulting in lower costs by 2026. These reductions will also reduce the deficit by $237 billion over 10 years says the Congressional Budget Office.
Biden must win this election so these price negotiations are not cancelled. Remember, drug companies do not like this, and US House Republicans have already proposed a full repeal of the Inflation Reduction Act that fuels these benefits – in 2025. So if Trump wins, he will roll back every single one of these initiatives: No question about that. ☛And by the way, let’s grow our majority in Congress. While she was a member of Congress, Republican Yvette Herrell voted against every piece of Legislation that enabled these investments, even those that passed with bi-partisan support. We have to make sure Gabe Vasquez defeats her and is re-elected in CD2 Watch for more stories in the next DPSC newsletter issues. You’ll get additional material on how Biden is
- addressing climate change.
- building our economy with infrastructure funding to create good-paying jobs.
- expanding broadband infrastructure to our Pueblos and rural New Mexicans.
All of these are good-news stories and should win Biden a second term! Stay tuned.