MISS INFORMATION – Who is Nella Domenici? Here Are Some Answers
By Judy Gordon, DPSC Secretary
Nella Domenici is a carpetbagger. Following a 50 year absence, she swooped back into New Mexico four years ago after being recruited by MAGA Republicans to run against Democratic Sen. Martin Heinrich.
Before returning to New Mexico for her Senate bid, Domenici lived in luxury on the East Coast. With nothing to recommend her beyond her father’s name, a dubious corporate resume, and wealth beyond the wildest dreams of most New Mexicans, Domenici would have us believe she has always been passionate about public service and giving back. Domenici is so wrong for New Mexico that her campaign would be laughable were the stakes not so high.
Domenici served as chief financial officer for Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund, but she will not tell you that during her tenure, Bridgewater invested in Chinese companies that were later sanctioned by the federal government for being part of China’s military-industrial complex or surveillance efforts.
Domenici poses as a centrist, but her campaign rhetoric and policies demonstrate her MAGA extremism.
- She says she won’t endorse Trump and doesn’t seek his endorsement. Yet a Domenici campaign event sported an “Appeal to Heaven” flag—a symbol of the far right, election denial, and support for Trump. (See graphic below.)
- She says she would reach across the aisle; yet, deploying MAGA scare words, she brands the entire New Mexico congressional delegation as “far left radicals.” So who would you work with, Nella? Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema? Sorry, they’ll be gone.
- She says we can count on her to defend our Constitutional rights, yet she does not believe abortion should be a fundamental liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment as a previous legitimate Supreme Court ruled.
Domenici says she’s been focused on women’s health for years, but her focus is missing an essential element—reproductive healthcare. Leaving abortion rights up to the states is fine with her. Clearly, the dignity, equality, and bodily integrity of women are not her concern.
Domenici expresses not a shred of compassion for young girls in red states who must bear their rapists’ children or women forced to give birth. The estimated 65,000 rape-related pregnancies in anti-choice states since the MAGA Republican Supreme Court ripped away women’s reproductive freedom? Tough luck, ladies.
While claiming that the widespread availability of birth control and education will solve unintended pregnancies—far from the only reason women need abortion care—she’s sharing a ticket with a presidential candidate who would repeal the Affordable Care Act. Nella, you should know the ACA provides free birth control. Do you even care that your party can no longer be counted on to allow access to birth control or IVF?
Domenici freely smears Sen. Heinrich and lies about his record. Just a few of her whoppers:
- Heinrich is working hard every day to reduce the existential threat of climate change, but Domenici labels him a “green energy extremist” who wants to destroy New Mexico’s oil and gas industry. We Democrats are grateful that he cares about leaving a livable planet for our children, our grandchildren, and generations beyond.
- Heinrich supports comprehensive immigration reform and improving border security. Democrats do not want “open borders” as Domenici slanderously claims. MAGA Republicans torpedoed the comprehensive, bipartisan border bill, preferring to deceitfully use it as a campaign issue instead.
- Heinrich knows that to address inflation, we must hold corporations accountable for their actions, including pharmaceutical and energy companies. Domenici uses inflation to demagogue deficit spending. With her Harvard MBA, Domenici should understand that the deficit exploded under Trump from his tax cuts for the rich, whereas Covid-induced supply chain bottlenecks and corporate greed have been the main drivers of inflation.
Martin Heinrich cares about all New Mexicans—their health, education, and economic future. He is dedicated to protecting the planet and defending the reproductive rights and freedoms of women. Above all, he and all Democrats care about saving our MAGA-endangered democracy. The choice in November is clear: For the sake of democracy and our planet, we must vote for Sen. Heinrich and all Democrats up and down the ballot.
Nella Domenici Appears with “An Appeal to Heaven” Flag