Condemnation of Treasurer, Tim Eichenberg’s Actions

by | May 24, 2022 | Editorials and Opinions

From: Alexandria PILAND <>
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 6:15 PM
Subject: Condemnation of Treasurer, Tim Eichenberg’s Actions

For Immediate Release: Letter to the Editor

Contact: Alex Piland, Call or Text: 505.350-6590 Email:

Condemnation of Treasurer, Tim Eichenberg’s Actions

Primaries are healthy for a political party. They bring light to previously ignored issues and showcase the diverse philosophies and candidates within our party. Early voting has already started and the Primary is on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

Campaigns need to be about the issues. Where candidates differ on the issues, those points should be emphasized and clarified. Truthful and professional criticisms are inevitably a part of campaigning, but there will never be a place in our primaries for vicious personal attacks.

Unfortunately, the current New Mexico State Treasurer, Tim Eichenberg, has launched one of the most horrific, vitriolic, deceitful, mudslinging media campaigns ever witnessed against a well-qualified Democratic candidate running for the office of the State Treasurer.

Eichenberg has misused the Treasurer Seal of the State of New Mexico in an unethical attempt to promote his favored candidate. His actions reflect poorly upon himself and the candidate he hopes to promote.

Treasurer Eichenberg has ignored the increasing choir of fellow colleagues who have respectfully and repeatedly pleaded with him to stop this destructive campaign. These unsavory tactics have been designed to ruin the reputation of a good and decent candidate, just because Eichenberg didn’t hand pick her.

Please don’t be fooled by these foul tactics. The voters of New Mexico are smarter than to believe ugly smear tactics. Our primaries must not descend into schoolyard spectacles where baseless accusations, half-truth distortions, and character assassinations are an accepted part of a campaign.

Ethical Democrats must patrol, keep in check, and stamp out inappropriate actions within our own ranks. Therefore, the following individuals stand united in condemning sitting Treasurer Eichenberg salacious and egregious campaign tactics.

  1. Aleta Suazo, Sandoval County
  2. Alexandria Piland, Sandoval County
  3. Bernadette Vadurro, Santa Fe County
  4. Cordy Medina, Santa Fe County
  5. David Montoya, CD 1
  6. David Thompson, Santa Fe County
  7. Greg Sonnefeld, CD 3
  8. Flora Lucero, Bernalillo County
  9. JC Trujillo, Socorro County
  10. Juanita Gordon, Socorro County
  11. Tate Turnbough, Roosevelt County
  12. Mary Ann Armijo, McKinley County
  13. Mark Lewis, San Juan County


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