
Der Führer Trump’s Radical Second-Term Agenda; Promises To Wield Executive Power In Unprecedented Ways; An Imperial Presidency Reflecting American Fascism

Der Führer Trump’s Radical Second-Term Agenda; Promises To Wield Executive Power In Unprecedented Ways; An Imperial Presidency Reflecting American Fascism

On April 30, Time Magazine published an exhaustive and very alarming report where former President Donald Trump outlined his second term agenda should he win. What emerges from review of Trump’s second term agenda is an imperial presidency, some would say an American...

How FAR Can We Go?

How FAR Can We Go?

The Special Election campaign in Congressional District 1 (CD1) is going full speed toward June 1—regular voting day. Early voting has already begun! Time is running out to get solid, factual information regarding candidates in order to make a positive choice for New...

All Lives Matter

All Lives Matter

By Alexis JimenezSeptember 15, 2020 All lives Matter! I believe this. That’s why I joined my neighbors at what is being called the Black Lives Matter protest here in our city of Rio Rancho. Imagine my shock when I walked up to what was supposed to be a peaceful...

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