The Democratic Party of Sandoval County (DPSC) in cooperation with the Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation (UUWC) in Rio Rancho provides 200 weekend snack packets each month to children in four Rio Rancho Public Schools who live with food scarcity. Kids in need are identified by the social workers in each school. During the first semester last year 50 new, winter coats were also provided to help make winter weather more tolerable for kids in need.
Established in 2019, FRRK has two amazing partner organizations, the Democratic Party of Sandoval County, and the Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation (UUWC). Both groups provide volunteers and monthly donations of money, food and help putting the packets together.
UUWC not only provides food and volunteers, it also provides space to store supplies and to set up for the assembly line to prepare the weekend snack packets each month. UUWC also provides financial management assistance. FRRK is part of the UUWC Social Justice program.
Co-founders, Kitty Perez and Karen Schafer, have recruited 75 volunteers and donors. Perez and Schafer stressed that it is the volunteers that make the whole program possible. “We would be nowhere without them,” Schafer said.
With catering from M’Tucci’s and music in the background, Feed Rio Rancho Kids (FRRK) enjoyed a “thank you” party in late January. Special guests were Sandoval County Commissioners, Kathy Bruch and Josh Jones. Their recognition of the work FRRK does every month was demonstrated by providing grants from their discretionary funds last year. They really made the hosted party possible.
For information on donating food or funds to FRRK, contact karenjean44@gmail.com or kittyperez639@gmail.com.

Two major sponsors of the FRRK program. Sandoval County Commissioners Josh Jones and Katherine Bruch