From the County Chair – October 2023

by | Sep 29, 2023 | Message from the Chair, Newsletters


Hello Democrats!  Fall is already full of fun, fiery foods, and fundraisers.  Please be sure to see our events calendar at to keep up to date on all things democratic in our county.

Would you please consider telling/writing/videoing a story about someone you love who happens to be Trans? We would like to compile these anecdotes and share them to remind everyone that Trans people (and our LGBTTQQIA+ loved ones) are our children, siblings, partners, friends, and colleagues, and they deserve to enjoy the same rights and respect that we all hope to have.  We do not want to “out” anyone; our goal is to show that Trans people are our loved ones. We love them, value them, and they happen to be Trans. We do not want to appropriate anyone’s story. We just want to stop the demonizing.

I believe there is a group on Facebook called “Rio Rancho Pride.”  I’m trying to get in touch with them to ask them to co-present in November.  If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great.

Speaking of Facebook, we have been trolled, repeatedly, but MAGAts.  We are working on getting a group moderator set-up, so please be patient and report any inappropriate posts.

We also need help with Instagram and Tik Tok.  Please let us know if you are able to help with one of these social media platforms.

I have almost four-hundred post cards that need to be addressed.  If anyone is interested in helping hand address these cards, please email me at  Without your help, they will go out very slowly.

As we know, the two hate groups responsible for the book banning attacks are now focusing on the Rio Rancho Public School Board.  I was thrilled to see the turnout in support of our libraries, and I hope that we will be supporting our schools as well.  If someone could monitor the school board meetings and let us know how things are going, that would help.  I have received several complaints, but we do not have the bandwidth to monitor the BSC’s currently.  (See me for a definition of BSC’s.)  Because Rio Rancho Public Schools live streams their meetings, you can monitor the meetings from the comfort of your home.  Please consider helping with this important task.

Also, if you are interested in writing articles or even short blurbs for this newsletter, please email Bill Piland at  We are looking for people with knowledge or expertise about happenings in Sandoval County, New Mexico or the nation who would like to share with our readers.

Finally, as you know, we are looking for an office.  We have a hot lead and will keep everyone apprised as things progress.  We may need you to come celebrate when we do get our new space!

Alexandria Piland, DPSC Chair

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