Vote for New Mexicans
Published in the May Sandoval Signpost
New Mexicans elected large Democratic majorities to the State House and Senate, sending the clear message that all citizens deserve a better, fairer, and brighter future. And the state legislature delivered!
We now have the opportunity to pass a constitutional amendment to significantly increase funding for early childhood education. We are on the road to universal broadband, essential for quality education.
Repeal of the State’s abortion ban means women will not have to worry about politicians meddling in our health care. Those with terminal illnesses can receive medical aid in dying.
Employees can now earn sick leave, reducing the risk of spreading contagious diseases to customers and coworkers. We are making progress toward guaranteed, comprehensive health care for all.
Thanks to the state legislature, New Mexico’s economy can expand more rapidly, while reducing reliance on traditional energy sources. Legalized recreational cannabis will help diversity our economy, while expunging cannabis-related criminal records will promote social justice. More small businesses harmed by covid can receive economic assistance.
But with few exceptions, the Sandoval County Republicans in the state legislature voted NO to these advancements. They have proclaimed, resoundingly, that they represent special interests and lack the will or foresight to improve public education, protect our health, diversify our economy, promote social justice, safeguard our environment, and prevent climate change.
Last month’s editorial cartoon (Signpost, April 2021) depicts an indignant lobbyist rebuking the New Mexico legislature for ignoring the myriad items on his bottomless wish list. In contrast, the clear winners in this legislative session are the citizens of Sandoval County. When the time comes to cast our ballots, Sandoval County voters must remember who is working in our best interest and who is protecting special interests.
Judith Gordon, Bernalillo